DuraMat is designed as an interlocking puzzle-like unit which locks with each neighboring stone to form a strong cohesive mat for use in erosion control applications and retention pond floors.
Recommended Base Stabilization – one layer of DriveGrid™ stabilization grid between subgrade and base material. Recommended depth 8” to 10” below pavers for maximum stability and performance. Use under Standard Base only.
Standard Base – Min. 6” – 8” of ¾” Crusher Run gravel (any road base standard in accordance with ASTM-D2940) compacted to 98% Standard Proctor Density (SPD). When available, use architect’s or engineer’s specific site engineering for installation.
Standard Bedding Course – no bedding required. Install directly on base material.
Jointing Material and Joint Stabilization - Fill all holes with free-draining aggregate or as specified by engineer.
Handling – This product is heavy and a two-man clamp is recommended for placement.
Edge Restraint - A concrete curb or a “sub-surface concrete wedge” can also be installed to retain the edge.
Paver Compaction - For the final compaction, a “rubber roller compactor” will give you the best results without breaking the units.
Cleaners – Not applicable
Sealers - Not applicable
The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) provides measurable criteria to determine compliance, not individual product evaluation. Gaps, joints or openings, greater than ½” horizontal and ¼” vertical should be avoided as they can disrupt wheelchair maneuvering (United States Access Board – Guidelines and Standards).