fbpx ECO-OPTILOC™ Permeable Pavers | Unilock Ohio



Eco-Optiloc is the permeable version of the high performance, heavy duty Optiloc paver system. Special spacer bars create a 12mm gap between units which results in excellent infiltration rates when installed on an open graded base with fine stone chip between the joints. A heavy duty industrial paver that is one of the best solutions for vehicular pavements. Possessing the same L-shaped, tri-axis locking principle as world renowned Anchorlock, Eco-Optiloc offers one of the best solutions for permeable vehicular pavements. Like Anchorlock and Optiloc, Eco-Optiloc can also be laid mechanically. For large scale commercial projects, special order colors and textures are available.

Shape and size
80 mm
Sold individually
EcoOptiloc 260x260x80 Natural
250mm x 250mm x 80mm
9 7/8" x 9 7/8" x 3 1/8"
EcoOptiloc 260x260x80 Natural
250mm x 250mm x 80mm
9 7/8" x 9 7/8" x 3 1/8"
Technical info
Laying patterns
LP EcoOptiloc Cluster A
LP EcoOptiloc Cluster A


Eco-Optiloc is a rectilinear shaped paver which is typically installed mechanically for commercial permeable applications. Eco-Optiloc can be customized for your particular design requirements. (minimum qty. applies)

Recommended Base Stabilization – one layer of DriveGrid™" stabilization grid between subgrade and base material. Recommended depth 8” to 10” below pavers for maximum stability and performance. Use under Permeable Base.

Standard Base and Bedding Course – Not applicable

Permeable Base – Min. 6” – 8” of ¾“ clear open-graded stone compacted to achieve full particle lock-up and consolidation. (Clear open-graded does not compact but does consolidate slightly by rattling the particles together.)

Permeable Bedding Course – 1” thick of 1/4” clear open-graded chip stone – (ASTM No. 8) screeded over base.

Special Note: Concrete Direct Overlay – Not applicable

Jointing Material and Joint Stabilization - Clear stone chip (ASTM No. 9) is swept in as jointing infill.

Handling – Can be installed by hand but very difficult. Should be installed mechanically.

Edge Restraint - Always install an edge restraint around the perimeter of any paver installation not restrained by building structures. Spike-in edge restraints come in plastic and metal and work well for most applications. A concrete curb or a sub-surface concrete wedge can also be installed to retain the edge.

Paver Compaction - Always use a protective polymer pad on the bottom of your compactor when doing the final compaction of the pavers. An alternative is to use a rubber-roller compactor for the final compaction.

Cleaners – Any cleaner specifically designed for pavers may be used for color restoration or general cleaning. Follow manufacturer’s dilution rates and application procedures. Always test a small area to make sure the results are as expected.


  • Product may be sealed for aesthetic or cleanliness reasons but it is not required
  • Use any sealer approved for concrete pavers
  • Select type for desired aesthetics
  • Product must be cleaned before sealing
  • Always read and follow manufacturer’s application procedures
  • Always test a small area to make sure the results are as expected

The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) provides measurable criteria to determine compliance, not individual product evaluation. Gaps, joints or openings, greater than ½” horizontal and ¼” vertical should be avoided as they can disrupt wheelchair maneuvering (United States Access Board – Guidelines and Standards).

Unit Thickness (mm)
Layers per Bundle
Sq Ft per Bundle
Sq Ft per Layer
Sq Ft per Unit
Units per Bundle
Units per Layer
Lbs per Bundle
Lbs per Layer
Lbs per Unit


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